加州梦想法案 (CDA) Application

What is the California dream act application?

的 加州梦想法案申请 allows eligible students enrolled in California Colleges, Universities and Career Education Programs to apply for state and institutional 金融援助.

This Application is unrelated to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or the Federal DREAM Act (which is legislative piece still being discussed in Congress, and which aims to provide eligible undocumented youth the opportunity to adjust their status.)

ab540, ab2000和sb68是什么?

AB 540, AB 2000, and SB 68 exempt certain students from paying nonresident tuition (higher than resident tuition) and allows them to apply for different types of 加州梦想法案在新窗口中打开 金融援助.


  • Beginning on October 1st, students may complete the 加州梦想法案申请 (CADAA)在新窗口中打开 .
  • Complete the 加州梦想法案申请 if you do not have a Social Security number (SSN) or if you were approved for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
  • Make sure your email address is listed on your CADAA.
  • Record your log-in information in a safe place, and regularly check your email account for any communication from the California Student Aid Commission and the colleges to which you have sent your CADAA. 
  • 申请截止日期为3月2日.
  • 建立一个 webgrants4students.org在新窗口中打开 account to monitor your state 金融援助 eligibility.

















Office of Admissions, Langsdorf Hall Room 114

 网站: 住院医生实习期在新窗口中打开

 电子邮件: residency@富勒顿.edu

 电话: 657-278-2300




What Financial Aid Can a Dreamer Apply For?


  1. Complete the 加州梦想法案申请 (CADAA) by 3月2日nd
  2. 就读加州大学(UC), 加州州立大学(CSU), 加州社区学院, 或职业教育计划
  3. Be a permanent resident or have *AB 540, AB 2000, or SB 68 student status
  4. Meet certain income/asset and other 金融援助 standards
  5. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress在新窗口中打开
  6. 而不是被监禁
  7. 参加6个或以上的课程
  8. Have no third party paying for tuition fees (见sub在新窗口中打开 , 卡尔格兰特 费用,豁免)
  9. 没有拖欠学生贷款

ab540, ab2000和sb68是什么?

AB 540, AB 2000, and SB 68 exempt certain students from paying nonresident tuition (higher than resident tuition) and allows them to apply for different types of 加州梦想法案的财政援助在新窗口中打开 .


  1. Satisfaction of either of the following:
    1. A total attendance of – or attainment of credits earned while in California equivalent to – three or more years of full-time attendance or attainment of credits at any of the following:
      1. 加州高中.
      2. 加州高中 established by the State Board of Education.
      3. California adult schools established by any of the following entities:
        1. 县教育局县教育局.
        2. A unified school district or high school district.
        3. 的 Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
      4. Campuses of the 加州社区学院
      5. A combination of those schools set forth in (a) to (d), inclusive.
    2. Three or more years of full-time high school coursework, and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, 加州中学, or a combination of California elementary and secondary schools.
  2. If applicable, a complete(d) affidavit to legalize immigration status as soon as you are eligible.
  3. If you meet the requirements above, you should complete the CA梦行为申请在新窗口中打开 申请经济援助. (经过认证的GPA在新窗口中打开 is also necessary for 卡尔格兰特 consideration.)
  4. Your college is responsible for verifying your AB 540 eligibility. Check with your Admissions Office early in the summer before the Fall Term starts.